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Agro-ecology and HVE

Agro-ecology is seen as either a constraint or an opportunity. In many cases, your good practices can be translated into added value for your agricultural production. For example, through certifications such as the HVE label, or through subsidies conditional on certain agro-ecological approaches: the eco-regime of the new CAP.

HYGO has been designed to make your spraying more effective and more environmentally friendly at the same time. More efficient, thanks to advice on the correct use of crop protection products and adjuvants. More ecological, because you avoid unnecessary losses and, in certain cases, overdosing.


Farmers seeking HVE level 3 certification will find HYGO a real asset.

Of the 4 criteria that must be met to gain and maintain HVE certification - biodiversity, water management, fertilization and optimization of phytosanitary products - the one relating to IFT reduction is often the most restrictive. This is particularly true for arable farmers. Achieving an IFT level below the regional average can be easily achieved in years of low disease pressure, but in years of high disease pressure, when it is necessary to treat, the IFT reduction criterion becomes more complicated to reach.

+ Optimize your IFTs by 12-20% with HYGO, even in difficult years

HYGO, which complements the advice of epidemiological models, uses the principle of dose modulation according to the spray window and, in particular, the weather before, during and after treatment.

Guillaume Robert portrait
"I've been using HYGO for two seasons now. The farm has gone HVE, and HYGO allows me to reduce my inputs. I use HYGO especially for everything to do with treatments, so I can choose the right times, the right days, and really reduce my doses.

Before, I was really at the limit of what I could do to go HVE, but now I've got more room to maneuver in terms of HVE and, above all, IFTs."
Guillaume Robert-Michon, farmer in Colombe, member of the Oxyane cooperative.

Would you like to obtain HVE certification or are you looking for
solutions to ensure your IFT level?

Request a HYGO demo and find out how this solution can support your agro-ecological initiatives.

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